tire regrooving
Tire regrooving is a specialized solution to extend the longevity of your tires. It is a restoration process done with a cutting tool for the tread. The process recreates the original pattern on the worn tire, in order to improve its performance and lifespan.
The benefits of tire regrooving goes beyond the cost savings. Regrooving tires reduces the company’s carbon footprint, the overall operating budget and optimizes the rolling resistance of the tires resulting in a more sustainable life cycle. By regrooving used tires, less waste and fewer raw materials (rubber, oil, minerals) are used.
Forklift performance, operator safety and maintenance costs are elements that fleet managers deal with every day. For those looking for a fast, efficient, and cost-effective way to use the full potential of their tires, regrooving is an advantageous option.
save on tire replacement cost
The cost of tire replacement and fuel are probably the most substantial when it comes to material handling operations. Our highly skilled technicians and world-class facilities have been delivering premium regrooved tires and custom solutions to material handling customers around the world to get the most of their tires.
This process is particularly useful for forklift tires, which experience irregular wear due to heavy loads and harsh working conditions. We always recommend speaking to an SOS sales representative, or your dealer, to confirm that your tires are suitable for this service.
With tire regrooving, precision work is essential to ensure proper tread rejuvenation and improved traction on uneven surfaces. At Solideal On-Site Service (SOS), our experts are trained to work safely and properly. Our regrooving program can save you a lot of rubber – and downtime!
tire regrooving benefits
- Increased return on your investment
- Increased traction
- Reduced braking distance
- Reduced carbon footprint
- Greater fuel economy
- Increased safety and environmental awareness
keep you rolling
save on tire costs
The cost of tire replacement and fuel are probably the most substantial when it comes to material handling operations. Our highly skilled technicians and world-class facilities have been offering regrooved tires and custom solutions to material handling customers around the world to get the most of their tires.
ask the tire experts
This process is particularly useful for forklift tires, which experience irregular wear due to heavy loads and harsh working conditions. We always recommend speaking to an SOS sales representative, or your dealer, to confirm that your tires are suitable for this service.
With tire regrooving, precision work is essential to ensure proper tread rejuvenation and improved traction on uneven surfaces. At Solideal On-Site Service, our experts are trained to work safely and properly. Our regrooving program can save you a lot of rubber – and downtime!
The SOS Difference
At Solideal On-Site Service, we believe that every product should be delivered with service. That’s why our professionals are with you every step of the way, helping you make the best choice for your business. We work to offer you durability, quality, expertise, and performance. Our aim is to share our knowledge with you, nothing more, nothing less. Over the years, we have established a training program and strict guidelines to ensure that our technicians use the best regrooving techniques.
The SOS Difference
At Solideal On-Site Service, we believe that every product should be delivered with service. That’s why our professionals are with you every step of the way, helping you make the best choice for your business. We work to offer you durability, quality, expertise, and performance. Our aim is to share our knowledge with you, nothing more, nothing less. Over the years, we have established a training program and strict guidelines to ensure that our technicians use the best regrooving techniques.
A technician examines the tire and determines whether regrooving is possible. He ensures that there are no elements that could compromise the equipment and that the residual tread thickness must be adequate.
The technician cleans the tire from any objects that could interfere with the regrooving.
The technician cuts the rubber by following the remaining traces to re-create the original tread pattern while considering the manufacturer’s recommendations in terms of cutting depth and patterns.
The technician checks that everything is uniform and in order. He then remounts the tire on the rim and checks its stability.
Frequently Asked Questions
What types of forklift tires can be regrooved?
Solid tires are excellent candidates for regrooving. It is very important to make sure the tread is thick enough to regroove the tire. For Solideal tires, you can rely on the 60J line. This line indicates how far the tread of your tire can be worn. Certain tires also feature a wearing indicator. You can always refer to an expert for confirmation, or learn more by clicking here.
Regrooving is safe if carried out by a professional on an original tire. Always be sure to check with your sales representative or dealer if the tire can be regrooved to match its design and construction.
How do I know if my tire is eligible for regrooving?
There are several things you need to check to make sure your tire is eligible for regrooving. In general, you need a certain tread thickness above the 60J line for successful regrooving. Our SOS specialists will check the tread thickness, general condition, and history of the tire for you.
How much extra life can we expect?
It all depends on the tire’s maintenance, environment, and operating conditions (type of loads, driving habits, etc.). Our SOS specialists can help you keep track of your maintenance and performance.